
Total Leader® For leadership development to be effective, it must utilize a complete, integrated, total leadership development process. Learn about the Total Leader® Concept. As the world of business has changed and evolved, the need for effective leaders has skyrocketed. For businesses to become truly empowering and innovative enterprises, they must develop leaders throughout the organization. In fact, the organization of the future is an organization where everyone is a leader. It is only when people are able to lead themselves that they are actually empowered to be creative and innovative.



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The very foundation of our Total Leader® Concept is based on two vital principles

  1. The first principle is that for organizations to succeed in the 21st century, they must develop leaders throughout the total organization.
  2. The second principle is that for leadership development to be effective, it must utilize a complete, integrated, total leadership development process.

Too many organizations have attempted to develop leaders with a fragmented, piecemeal, hit and miss approach. They focus on one area, or one attribute, or one facet of leadership believing that is all they need. Leadership is much more complex than that. Trying to develop leaders this way is like trying to become a professional golfer by only practicing your putting. The best golfers are total golfers—they excel at driving, approach shots, sand shots, pitching, chipping and putting. They also must possess the confidence and mental strength to perform in the heat of competition. The same is true for leaders.


The Total Leader® Concept identifies 4 critically important areas that a person must master to become a Total Leader®:


Personal Productivity
Productivity is the wellspring of success and a basic part of human nature, yet many lack the direction they need to achieve. This Effective Personal Productivity course is part of our unique development process that will help you gain unique leadership skills and focus. You will see visible results by the time you complete as a testament to your improved leadership.


Personal Leadership
All individuals within an organization take on significance as they represent the organization to the outside world and as they interact within the organization. Their personal motivation and self-image are key to how they perform, respond, and lead. This course is part of our unique development process that will help you gain greater alignment between your passion, strengths and values. It will help your individuals realize personal leadership potential by building upon strengths and improving self- image and develop a written Plan of Action for success. The EPL program helps align your personal vison and mission with that of the business.


Motivational Leadership
As the world of business has changed and evolved, the need for effective leaders has skyrocketed. For businesses to become truly empowered and innovative enterprises, they must develop leaders throughout the entire organization. Motivational Leadership is the ability to lead and motivate others; unfortunately, many people lack the necessary traits to execute these skills. This course is part of our unique development process that will help you gain unique leadership skills. It will help you understand what it takes to become an effective motivational leader, develop and communicate a vision for the future, create winning teams, and establish an organization of leaders.


Strategic Leadership
Strategic leadership is the ability to lead an organization. A strategic leader can define and develop the purpose of the organization, the key strategies, the optimum structure, the right people in the right roles, and the most effective processes for the organization to succeed. This course is part of our unique development process that will help you gain unique leadership skills. It will help you clarify your strategic purpose, complete a comprehensive strategic assessment, create your strategic development, and implement your strategic execution. This program has great value in strategy execution.

As you can see, the Total Leader® Concept is a thorough, comprehensive, complete, whole leadership development process. It literally develops people into Total Leaders! It’s difficult to imagine that a top leader in an organization could really be effective if they were missing one or more of these key components. Many leaders today are frustrated because they haven’t had the opportunity to develop all four areas. They feel like they are standing on the first tee of an important golf tournament and they’ve never practiced a single swing with their driver. The only thing they have ever practiced is how to putt. That is exactly the problem with leadership development today. When all you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail! The time has come for a new paradigm. A new process for developing leaders. We are very excited about the potential of our Total Leader® development process. We look forward with anticipation to the day when most organizations are filled with Total Leaders!

Frequently Asked Questions

Most people are not working to their true potential. It will help them achieve better results in a faster time and help them reach peak performance levels. With the LMI programs we set live goals that help see visible outcomes happen. We see a marked increase in ownership.

There is a huge improvement in personal efficiency and effectiveness. The LMI programs help generate high focus and goal-directed action and their results help them accelerate their career path.

Transactional programs are 1–2-day programs that may well deliver knowledge and have expert trainers. However, the transactional programs do not have an application agenda. This is what is termed training, resulting in awareness and knowledge and things do not change when people go back.
Transformational programs are DEVELOPMENTAL programs, they cause behavior change, they cause change to work in smarter ways, they produce visible results. They are highly application-oriented and experiential.